вторник, 6 января 2009 г.

An Only child

Можно так оплевать черта, что он станет еще страшней.

Графоман, не обладающий ловкостью, никогда не станет известным писателем.

Недвижимое имущество (например, дома, поля, лагуны, долины, пруды и пр.) не может быть утрачено как движимое.

                       An only child does not necessarily mean a lonely child. There is one great advantage for an only child. He is always in the centre of attention. He receives all the love parents have to offer.A loved child usually grows up into a loving adult.

                     However, an only child may be more selfish, less willing to share things. he may have more difficulty getting used to school.

                                     Confession of an only child.

     …. I was shy. I didn’t make many friends. I wasn’t used to being with other children. I had a very good relationship with my parents. I don’t remember feeling lonely as a child, but I used to invent my own dream world.

    ….. I had no one to rely on and no one to ask for advice.That made me independence and I’ve always solved my problems myself. My wife and I have two sons. We didn’t want an only child, because I felt I had missed a lot of things.

    ….. My parents didn’t spoil me. In fact, they were stricter than many parents. As a child I used to talk to my dog for hours. Mostly I was bored. This has made me work hard in my career. I like to be busy. I married young - as an only child, I think I needed a close relationship with another adult. Even now I still don’t like being an only child. I have a horror of being alone.

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